Friday, July 31, 2009

Wonders of The Past

Every once in a while you get an opportunity to look back in time, in this case way back. A neighbor was creating a pond at their home and the found these bones . They were authenticated by a professor from the University of Michigan and dated to 10 -12 thousand years ago. It was stated that they were probably placed in cool water ( early refrigeration) by early hunters and time passed them along to us a few years later. These are but a few. The largest was a 4 foot femur (about waist height). The others are backbones, knee cap, disks from between the vertebrae, ribs and toes. You never know what is lurking out there!

I have been busy working at my studio and helping with the family. My oldest leaves for college in a few weeks at Northern Michigan U in Marquette, Michigan. I look forward to the drive into the Upper Peninsula to transport her to and from school. Needless to say I shall travel with camera ready.